Thursday, March 29, 2012

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Kindergarten @ "T" a change of Speed

I'd love the idea of using this to display the math things! Cute!

Easy Enough... I would do this!

SWEET! Its the ABC's but with animals.

Middle of each table would be a color for each student.  They get packed up and leave the boxes right in the middle.        Its good to see the names and the sameness.

Looks a little like the Happy Day chart that I created for my preschool class.  It would work so well for visual learning students. Its got the basics included. I would be interested in doing something like this...

Thursday, March 15, 2012

2nd Grade @ "L"Modern School for the Arts

Well I was at the newly renovated "L" school for the arts! I have to say it was pretty amazing! Being downtown I knew going in it was going to be a diverse population (to which i was not disappointed!) what surprised me though was how much the school seems to work together! The teachers were all super nice! Loved the teachers beside me! She was the biggest help pointing out names and who to watch ect.  Plus, there was lots of people around so help with a situation was never far away.
The students (YES EVERYONE) began with a School Wide Morning Meeting where announcements were given, a school "dance" was preformed and exercises were preformed as a whole group!  Impressed right? I was.
Now the fun part began- I was warned that they were a tough group (of course!) and started in just as tough as could be which worked out well for the first part of the day with reading in both whole, independently and in groups.  I know the independent work was lacking although I am not sure what I could have done differently to make it go more smooth/on topic.  Loved leading the small reading group again!
That was the whole morning! From there we were heading to lunch and somehow between the class door and say 10 feet--- two girls got in it calling names and YA just leave it at that- let's just say after I separated them, got everyone to lunch I got to spend my lunch writing my first two referrals! Yippee!
Writing and Adjectives were after lunch. I just love teaching curvy Q's. ;)
Next was Drama and Dance- Sweet Right! Two Special areas and 45minutes for me to clean up the room and start the paperwork!  But, upon picking up the class they were all in trouble and being threatened to loose the concert/assembly privilege which was where were were supposed to be heading!
Deep Breath! We made it to our seats and with the trouble makers all around me it began! Sadly, only two of my original four survived to see the end of the show... I did gain two first graders in their place though! Sweet!
My favorite part of this musical presentation was when the artist asked everyone to,  "Pretend you are holding a Flower in one hand and a candle in the other.  Now, Smell the Flower. Blow out the Candle. Smell the Flower. Blow out the Candle..." Yep, the speaker called it air conditioning for your brain!
Now- Keep in mind its like 85 Degrees, its about to rain so its Sticky Hot, they have yet to get any 'down time' or as the schools call it now "Wellness Time" and I am about to force them to sit till the end of the day doing MATH!  O-yes, you guessed correctly! That was the worst part of my day! I had a kid just up and leave (long story short I called the office and they brought her back after a while but with a piece of candy! *rolls eyes* ugg!)  Math was also the part least prepared for I had spent much of the day teaching in a 'I show you' now you do it manor-- suddenly I didn't have the sheets and the kids were (at least I began to realized they were!) learning something new!  At least there was manipulatives right? that's kinda fun?!
Alas its started to rain and driving home the images of the lightning were something rather amazing!
What I've Learned:
*Loved the School Wide Morning Meeting in the Gym
* Flower, Candle 
*Positive feedback from other teachers matters 

Friday, March 9, 2012

Highschool Freshman/Seniors @ the local "J"

Clean, Organized and Simple
This was my first Substitute Teaching Job! Woot! I had actually said i would do it a few weeks ago when I noticed it jump on the the screen (as I realized just how hard it was gonna be to get jobs in my area of both town & degree)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Created a Substitute Bag

My Substitute Bag
I have Created a Substitute Bag with all kinds of things within... yes, these are things that shall grow as I grow... But for now this is what I am entering my first SubJob with...
  • Blue Binder with a Bingo Math Game: It's enough for a class of 26, with dice plus its age group can be anywhere from first to fifth. 
  • Red Binder with Important Documents, Worksheets
This has starting from the front a : 
      • Pouch to hold my Business Cards, Pens, Post-it Notes
      •  My Identification Information including how to sign into computers/email
      • Job's I've Done Slips (given to you by each school so I am told)
      •  Handbook
      • Map of the School District 
      • School Names, Addresses, and how far they are from my home
      • AND WORKSHEETS- All types for all types of grades although I need more for the older grades as of now its a lot of younger math.
  • Math and Social Study Book : With lesson plan ideas I can do with the students in grades first to fifth. 
  • Treats: I went for the fruit snacks :) There are counted out in 25 items so I don't have to carry loads!
Now I realize this is certainly only the tip of the iceberg so to speak as far as what I shall need so I will try to keep updating both this blog and my bag at the same time! 

Monday, March 5, 2012

the First Monday

O-How lovely a Monday! I awoke to snow covering the ground leaving a wonderful fluffy white world to enjoy.  I did need to finish creating myself a Substitute Bag so I headed out into the wonderland for some Pencil Pouches, Dice, and Rewards! Although on my way inside I got a tad bit distracted with the snow... a quick walk turned into building a snowman for the front door which turned into building two more snow people in the front yard! I enjoyed myself O-So Very Much!  I have to say what a way to start my 'new' career!  Now I need to get off here and go finish my SubPack!

Friday, March 2, 2012

My Final Day

Flowers from a Little Girl
Well it was an interesting last day... that much is for sure.  A set of storms came across Kentucky today... one while I wake for my day meaning I arrived in work and was immediately told to be on High Alert. We could have to leave for the basement shelter due to tornadoes at any time.  My amazing co-teacher came in and brought me the sweetest gift of tea and dark chocolate. Both of my favorite things! Plus, She had planned for us to have a cute little party with a cookie cake saying "We will Miss You!" and everything! I admit upon hearing it I got a little teary eyed!  Thankfully my classroom is above the basement so we ended up staying tell around 230 when (right at the end of nap!) we were called to round up the kiddos and get them downstairs!
So Cookie Cake GoodBye Party ended up being Cookie Cake in Cups sitting on a basement floor with me and my little kiddos! So it was a small little party instead of a bigger with my co teachers party!
Now as no Tornado hit- It was just an amazing day were most everyone left early! Except me! I stayed till the end of my chapter at The Plainview School.